Senior Adult Ministries

Gerald Malcom | Director of Senior Adult Ministries

The Senior Adult Ministry of Walker Baptist Church exists to promote the kingdom work of our Lord and Savior by:

  • Wholeheartedly supporting our pastor and staff, including the ministry and teaching programs at WBC.
  • Upholding those in need in our daily prayers.
  • Ministering and witnessing to those we come in contact with regardless of age.
  • Providing support to the Georgia Baptist Children’s Home.
  • Supporting missions and outreach projects at home and abroad.
  • Fully believing that the Bible is the true Word of God.

We welcome and invite you to become a part of our “Walker Friskies” – the Senior Adult Ministry at Walker Baptist Church!

Our Senior Adult group continues to support the Duval and Cox Cottages at the Georgia Baptist Children’s Home in Palmetto. As of this writing these two cottages are housing 9 children.  We currently send birthday cards and gifts to each child and will also be helping with other supplies as they are needed.


Senior Adult Luncheon Schedule:

January 16th at church – Soup, Salads and Desserts.

February 20th  Up In Smoke, Jersey Georgia, Leave church 11:30am

March 20th  Time and Place to be announced later